My 5, To Mental / Health Wellness & Caring for Ourselves

I began writing this after a DAD-SCUSSIONS session on Mental / Health Wellness and Caring for Yourself. I found there were some things that I needed to revisit regarding my own mental & health wellness. I’ll preface by saying I am a man of structure, discipline and regimen, even I need this topic! Every man does!

DAD-SCUSSIONS w/ Alameda Father Corp.

During DAD-SCUSSIONS, our panelist Floyd Burrell, and Dr. Tony Jackson, gave some solid nuggets and areas to personally unpack, regarding this topic. Initially, I wanted to give a synopsis, but I don’t want to mis-interpret their words. For that reason, I’m going to expand on their awesomeness with…

LineBackerDAD’s 5, to Mental or Health Wellness and Caring for Yourself

1. There is Something Greater Than You, a High Power…

2. Honest Self – Reflection

3. Peer Accountability

4. Be Adaptable

5. Center Yourself

It is my belief that men who know they are of strong value, but at the same time, a small part in the grander scheme of things, are mentally prepared for wellness. It’s also my belief that we must know there is a higher power. For me, That’s God!

Below are a few points, for your reference, to my 5 Keys to Wellness. I hope this adds value to your life!

#1 There is something greater than you!

  • A. You must know you’re not the end all, be all! (Some men actually think they are “everything!”)
  • B. Your values, morals and beliefs must be different than the world systems. What that governs you?
  • C. You should answer to a purpose greater than you (You must move, shake, and operate as if you are accountable to something)

#2 Honest Self – Reflection

  • A. You can’t have a false sense of reality. (Are you in tune with reality?)
  • B. You must self-talk and ask yourself honest questions (what is self talk?)
  • C. You respond, You make amends, You forgive, and You continue to intentionally move forward

#3 Find Peer Accountability

  • A. Don’t isolate yourself!
  • B. Find a circle or a group that mirrors the positivity and good you want in your life.
  • C. Who will keep it real with you? That’s likely the type of person you want as an accountability partner, we all need one. Build a better relationship with that person and let them know they are your accountability.

#4 Be adaptable

  • A. Don’t be so stuck in your ways you can’t see a good thing
  • B. Have a willingness to change. It first starts in your mind.
  • C. Sometimes you have to go with an audible!? Dont allow negative things to happen because you fail to switch it up/audible.

#5 Center yourself

  • A. Take time to meditate
  • B. What are you feeding your mind?
  • C. Release things that are out of your control and prepare for the things that are in your control
  • D. Psycho-cybernetics (The Book)

Number 5 is one of the most important elements I practice to properly caring for myself and remaining physically and mentally well. Consider 1-4 as me having an internal conversation with myself (Self-Talk). I share them with you in hopes that they add value to you! Number five will add definite value to your life! I want you to implement and practice these things. Over time, I am certain if you are consistently practicing, you will begin to see noticeable positive changes in every area of your life.

View my message on YouTube. I condensed almost two hours of self-talk to bring you what I hope is 12 minutes of true value to your wellness.

Do you currently see the true value of wellness & caring for yourself? What do you do to practice mental wellness & caring for yourself?     Let me know.

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