I began writing this after a DAD-SCUSSIONS session on Mental / Health Wellness and Caring for Yourself. I found there were some things that I needed to revisit regarding my own mental & health wellness. I’ll preface by saying I am a man of structure, discipline and regimen, even I need this topic! Every man does!
During DAD-SCUSSIONS, our panelist Floyd Burrell, and Dr. Tony Jackson, gave some solid nuggets and areas to personally unpack, regarding this topic. Initially, I wanted to give a synopsis, but I don’t want to mis-interpret their words. For that reason, I’m going to expand on their awesomeness with…
1. There is Something Greater Than You, a High Power…
2. Honest Self – Reflection
3. Peer Accountability
4. Be Adaptable
5. Center Yourself
It is my belief that men who know they are of strong value, but at the same time, a small part in the grander scheme of things, are mentally prepared for wellness. It’s also my belief that we must know there is a higher power. For me, That’s God!
Below are a few points, for your reference, to my 5 Keys to Wellness. I hope this adds value to your life!
#1 There is something greater than you!
#2 Honest Self – Reflection
#3 Find Peer Accountability
#4 Be adaptable
#5 Center yourself
Number 5 is one of the most important elements I practice to properly caring for myself and remaining physically and mentally well. Consider 1-4 as me having an internal conversation with myself (Self-Talk). I share them with you in hopes that they add value to you! Number five will add definite value to your life! I want you to implement and practice these things. Over time, I am certain if you are consistently practicing, you will begin to see noticeable positive changes in every area of your life.
View my message on YouTube. I condensed almost two hours of self-talk to bring you what I hope is 12 minutes of true value to your wellness.
Do you currently see the true value of wellness & caring for yourself? What do you do to practice mental wellness & caring for yourself? Let me know.
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