Joe Smith

Blessings, I'm Joe Smith, your education K-12 Swiss Army Knife.



I have long served the educational community in cities across the nation in many capacities. I serve and speak at many educational institutions and school districts, promoting classified staff development, family and community engagement - including father engagement, character development, expanded learning, and closing the achievement gap.

I'm passionate about...

Faith, Family, Education, & Service To Others

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What Do You Need?

Front Line and Classified Staff - PD

LineBackerDAD’s interactive and engaging sessions give front line staff an introspective look at your customer care process. LineBackerDAD takes participants on a disguised learning journey to maximize the opportunity to engage and enhance the overall experience for every stakeholder.
Participants are given best practices, enlightened, and reminded of “their why.”

Family and Community Engagement

LineBackerDAD delivers high-energy, intentional motivational sessions. Sessions and events are available for during school and out-of-school hours, aimed at increasing parent engagement and capacity. We’re calling to action, the importance of each parent being fully invested in their child's education.

Education Consulting / African American Student Achievement

  • Parent Advisory Councils
  • African American Student Achievement Initiatives
  • Student Advisory Initiatives (Student Voice)
  • Stakeholder Focus Groups (Staff, Families, & Students)
  • Family & Community Engagement Support

Make The Event Great

Most Recent

Fatherhood Post

Start A Conversation

Alredy have a project in mind, or a question about my products and services. I would love to talk to you!
(916) 897-1222


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